31 januari 2008

Your earlier life

Today I was on a lecture about the brain. It was a researcher that research about the brain that was there and talk to us. We was many from school, maybe 300 persons.
We spend 1,5 hours to listening to him. He talked about everything that have to do whit the brain. Once he wanted us to shut ours eyes and do what he told us. He wanted us to count to ten in Swedish, after that he wanted us to count to ten in English. After that he wanted us turn on the water in the tap and do other thing in our brains, still whit our eyes closed. After that he said to us to opening our eyes and explain to us that is was our  internal voice that we had heard. What we hear from ourselves when we are thinking. I find everything he said interesting because almost everything he said I already know. I have learn it all by myself, inside my brain. He have wasted his time on this.

Whatever the eye-thing and hearing-what-you-are-thinking-thing was something great. It is what I call for my voices. I know it is different things to hearing voices and thinking. I don’t like to call what I hear in my head for voices. I call them teleporting voices. The thing is that I know the different of my voices and the voices other people talk about. I have heard them to, the voices that is placed behind your ears and sound like a really real person. The voices that sounds come from anywhere else than from your head. But my teleporting voices I hear all the time is a different thing. I hear them coming from other persons and not from myself. I remember how a used to think before this Corey thing happening to me. I heard my thoughts like everybody else. But one day someone started to control what my mind wanted to hear. I could not control it anymore, and I knew it was someone else that control my head. That speak in my head. It was not me and it was not just this thoughts anymore. It is so different from then, I whish hundreds times that it should be like before, but I cant get away from it.

So, what’s about my voices. What is real and what is false. I know everything is real in one way. I know everything I hear is right, because I hear them and I always get kind of the right information about that I has right. That was I’m hearing is right. I can hear information from every person I meat, but the information only is subconscious thoughts from the person I meat. I cant hear what a person is thinking right for the moment. I just hear it in a big hot-tempered way to explain things. Every person I meat want to explain things, even people I have not meat yet. Every person try but I only can let know them better if I find them interesting in the first time we meet. The most simple way I use to get information is from the things I see. Because if I will get my permission to all the voices in my head to explain everything it have to be to mutch. So I prefer to see whit my eyes. I see people when they walk, what they do, how they feel like, what they think about me, what they will do. I see them like peoples, but they are transparent but I can have a feeling about their colours. I can see everything lika monsters and other things. It’s like a figure. The most obvious thing to understand is how people feel or what they want to do in their lives. It’s hard to understand peoples earlier lives.

But I have success whit this earlier life thing once. It was when I started to talk whit corey. In the beginning. He said to me that he knew whole my life in his head, that I had told him subconscious. But he wanted me to discover things, and explain things about my life more clear. It was when I started to explain my life for him again I understood that slipknot has made music and songs about my life. When I realized that corey said it was correct and that I had understand well. That I was learning everything fast. I don’t want to get out the imformation about how exactly this slipknot music goes whit my life. It just so suitable. But one thing he was telling me was when I asked him about who that has write the lyrics to his songs, I mean maybe it’s not him that have wrote the lyrics. He answer that even if it not was him that write all the lyrics his brain has focus so much to get the others who write to write was he want them to write. So even if it was other that write, all the words came from coreys brain. So in the end corey has write everything to me. Really every part of my life stand in the lyrics in a complicated way, that I don’t think somebody else will understand, because it has not happening in their lives.

Whatever I explained things about myself for corey in maybe 2 months from that day I meet him. After that Corey started to explain things about his life. When me, my dad and my brother went out on a vacation in a caravan. We went trough half Sweden down to Denmark and all the time I was just lay in my bed in the caravan and listening to what corey have to say to me. He started to explain about his life. I didn’t knew anything about him then. I had just saw him on some photos and knew his name was corey taylor. It’s stupid of me to telling this because I know it’s all wrong. But I have never told anyone before. I do it fast, because I wont tell this in small words.

Corey tell me that his dad was a bad man, that hit him from then he was little. When Corey was 15 years old he left his father because he didn’t like him. And that his father had done very bad things to him. Like sexual things when he was little to. After that Corey lived whit his mother. But his mother was going under whit all kind of things. His mother begin to do things to Corey. Things that he didn’t like. When he was 18 years olf he didn’t want to live at home anymore. But he was left whit his mom anyway. He started to do music to calm himself from everything his mother was doing to him. And then all this whole life thing started. Blabla

When I relized that this not can have happening to corey. Allan started to take over. He started to explane that it was his life and not corey’s. But some months after that I realized that Allan is a part of corey and what allan says have a part of corey. So they keep going together.


21 june 2006

2008-03-30 (21 june 2006) The first time you try to contact someone


he mic I badge eye is i dead :(

He mc ihg abg ej icc cdb

Advertising Inguiries

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Name:     Therese
E-Mail:     ----
Subject:     Advertising Inquiries
I have the inquiry abaout the mathematics in B's.  
The hmiaeic thing.
If the band is interested they can whrite to my e-mail.


Sweden as desired market

28 juli 2010

So for you all, I will explain the world today. Maybe its right or wrong for you, but for me, all this has happened and this is what I believe and have experience of. 5 years ago I would never think about that we people have the possibility to get into another dimensions or worlds. But today I’m not so sure. When I read old stuff it seams practically wise for me. I understand and remember everything I have written, and nothing sounds crazy or confusing for me. Today I live in a world when I every day believe in that people, from this world or another, hear my thoughts. I can never do something whiteout thinking that someone, somewhere, hear my thoughts. I’m not paranoid, I’m not scared of this, but maybe sometimes it is kinda irritating. In this world people can send and take in information from other peoples like pictures and words. When I talk to people, it’s like people have done there sentences and explanations in the most complex way without knowing this. The brain actually does this all by itself, for me to recognize sensations till my daily everyday. I like to call these for coincidences.


If someone talks about something important or just something all-day information it is always something that haunts me after. In form of pictures or movies or just text or other information I read or sees. This can be an original talk about a “dog in one kind of colour” and the next day I see a lot of these dogs in just that colour. People like to call these coincidences for something that happening to everybody: Yes! It does, I remember! But not every day, every moment…


1 maj 2008 (30 april 2008)

Remember all the times you call people for liars or mentally ill people. This have become a problem because: I can’t remember how I was thinking before this happening to me. I remember that I was stuck in my brain to get explaines for what we live in and how the world will lock like if, the possibility, an alien come to our planet. I have the fact of what we look like in front of other persons. The possibllity is that every person on this planet sees the world in a whole different way than yourself does. I mean every person calls a line for a line and a line lock like a line for me. But for you maybe a line lock like a circle, but both our brains has explain the form of a line like a line. Even if two persons see a line in different shapes it will always be called like a line.

And so we have the space. Everybody say the space is endless but what is endless in shore. I know now for shore how this works, but I can’t explain it better than this.
I mean our brains have the focus on this planet and to understand this planet we live on. So when someone starts to think about how big the space is, then it is impossible to understand how big the space is if we only say it is endless. But if you think in this way. The space is so endless that you have made it big. Your brain that is adapt, to this planet can’t accept how big an endless is. So if you think that an endless has the same space that you can understand. The space becomes so big so you can’t understand it. And if you give it a try you only get the answer “endless” But in shore endless is just a stop for your brain. So:
Your brain is adapted, for this planet so you can’t understand more than what you think is an endless. In the point there your thoughts about endless stops, there some one else on another planet takes up your thoughts of what an endless is. Than that possibility alive alien goes ahead whit the thoughts over how big the space is. And when this very alive alien stops to understand an endless stop, then another alive alien in the space take up the electronic signals and understands them. So the thing is that the space becomes endless because it is not just we in the space that think about the space and how big it is. We that are very alive in the space are the persons who accept that the space is an area without an ending.

So then, the question, where do we live in the space and what do we do to create a world, and how can we live at the same spot in our life.
I think like this. The space is big, very big. But our planet is big in itself. So for get our planet to stay in its system and right area. The possibility for our planet to take itself away from its direction is impossible because I think like this. To do a simple explain:
On one side of earth very long from where we can think and do resorts, there a big black hole exists. The big black hole has a gravity and suck things into it in the right direction. On the other side of earth very long away it’s a black hole that sucks in the left direction.
To explain what is happening it works like two magnets. If you take two magnets and try to push them together when they don’t match, you get a resultant that shows that it is impossible for you to get the two magnets together without help from yourself in form of pres the magnets against each other. It’s like you can’t get the two magnets to get together side by side because they have a direction to two different ways.
And it is kind of what I am try to tell you. This two big holes works like two different magnets that can’t get together side by side without side effects. So these two black holes create a very big electronic signal in the area of an electronic space. And somewhere in the middle of this two gigantic holes there we have our system there our planet is stuck. So it is impossible for our planet to fly away from its working place in the space. It is impossible for our planet to get out of its directions as long the two black wholes exist.

So here you have the answer where all the energy in our system exists. It is inside a very big space electronic direction. And what that can happen is that our energy gets out to other planets or in the other direction; electronic signals come trough us and our planet.
All our energi from our planet exist inside our electric space and the result is that we in a possible way can hear each other trough our minds and get things understood. Things we never thought we have the possibility to clear up are now possible.

2008-05-01 (30 april 2008-04-30)

19 maj 2008

Yesterday I got a dejavu and in the same time I understand a little bit what a dejavu is. It’s simple and it started when I went to bed and get a very big dejavu. And then I understand that a dejavu is a reaction from your brain when you or someone else send you messengers from the future to your working brain.
In a simple way you can send yourself messengers from the future. From a second there yourself want your own situation to be attracted attention by yourself. So, if we live in this world 2008. I have in my own mind showed myself in (2010) 2010 and I remember one situation in my live. And when I after that turn my own knowing situation I keep up the situation in 2008. And then you got a dejavu situation that youself has create in your own life.
I think, the point is that just the memory you have maybe don’t mean something special for you. But you need this kind of memory for your brain to find the correct life.
So, it’s for that you often not remember your own dejavus.
So in fact:
You live in 2010 and your brain have a very important memory that you maybe not understand as well.
You keep up the time and get right into the memory in 2008.
I mean if the human being never had invent the time this should work. Actually it’s like a very well working timemachine.
It’s absolutely clear for me that all people in the world can work whit this kind of theories. So it’s not even just your own memories or messengers sometime. Other people can make themselves understood in a situation like this. It was in a form like other people showing me a dejavu I get this idea.


14 november 2006

In soon three years I have has a psykologic project about myself. The project came up when I started to believe in psykologic diseases. I believed that I should get myself into psychosis or an schizofrenic position. I wonder how long my brain and body should get to broke down in pieces. Now after three years psykologic work my body goes in pain. Speciull my back. I have come to schitz my brain so hard that I have been in situations when I knowed that I was dead. Even in positions when I believed tbat I was in a more "don't exist" position. Or in a game like "Matrix" or "The Sims" Even that we lived in a world fron the music's collors. I have even thinked that I was in a movie or that we peoples loock like monsters. I have even get contact whit "demons" and "vampiers". Even God and Satan has been in the picture. I have even thinked that we is in a story or an book.

11 november 2006

After nine monthes work with my teories. I have a lot of teories in my brain. The collors and the mening with the world. Somedays I think all the collors is in the black of our world. The collors can go together with numbers. More like a dead possision to Matrix or something. But howsome I have locked after the most realityed future...

16 januari 2007

For myself 16 januari 2007




Satan: says hey

God: Anyyway the things becames good

Satan:  What things? Terribly wrong

God: Nothing is to real

Satan: Only do this psychologic things better to try another way

God: things will be better. But you never speak to yourself.

Satan:  Only one. Specifical to trying. I hate the forgotten and you are in it

God: feel one power to inside

Satan:  Hate is just the bad side with peoples but the bad side go straight to me

God: and the good sides go to me

Satan:  Better stop there



Satan: I think that you say that nothing is to real. Things are for real to me even if you don’t like it.

God: things are to real. But to real for you “terra” to understand them


That can be real. This is just words on a paper. Will she do it sge doing that

Dog . I think you are wrong


It’s just the free that she belive more than you can on this

Terra: So what is the reality?

Satan: for you?

Terra: yes

Satan: your reality is not so wrong

God: yes it is. It is wrong

Satan:  but you can nothing do annyhow

God: I know it’s bad. But if she want to speak on this way so let her do that

Satan: I have nothing to say. Just that she belived that she write thos on her own.

God: and this is right?

Satan:  Yes it is

Terra: so all this antibelivers came to you

Satan: all the antibelivers get to me

Terra: I know that I have asked this before but I want to take this one more time. So, do you exist?

Satan: No we don’t exist. We are just psykhologic things that comes from peoples.

God: like many peoples is nice and calm they send nice impulces, like god.

Satan:  and bad peoples gives bad impulses.

God: something like that.

Terra: so “satan” the demons you send to my room to kill eacthother and dance on my window has nothing whit another reality world to do?

Satan: you have naver asked that before but the demons was send to you for you to figure out wats was wrong with you.

Terra: yes, something is very wrong.

God: yes it is

Satan: It’s don’t matter it’s gonna dissepear anyhow.

Terra: Do you promise?

God: Yes, because you cant live this life how long.

Satan:  take it like an experience.

Terra: I don’t want this kind of experiences.

God: you have nothing more to say about that.

Terra: I know, this is irritating

Satan: I know. And you like it.

God: stop saying that

Terra: I have nothing to say. Just stop to get out imformation about you from me

Satan: that can be wrong

God: she knows

Terra: this is so wrong. I gonna get this up on a website because this is so wrong.

Satan:  haha we know we are in this. You know that you live in the subbcontest with peoples and it don’t matter where you get this or all the other imformation. We are just happy for you.

Terra: I think this is a little bit three persons in one experiences

God: it’s wrong, because we are two and you are one.

Terra: Don’t matter. So “we” can be one?

Satan: You are one

God: don’t say so. She knows she is one.

Satan: I’m working. Noone will never take this sence anyhow. She can write a book. Make sure you just is one

Terra: I’m think I’m one. Is jusless to have conversaasions with you.

Satan:  I know

God: But i think it will be good

Satan: Be more like your mom

Terra: so, how is my mom?

God: She don’t hear voices. It is nothing wrong with your positasion

Terra: this don’t go anywhere!

Satan: Nothing does, that’s the hole great plan.

God: haha

Terra: ok. So are you friends?

God: I have nothing to do with Satan. We only want someone that can take our imformation out.

Satan: And I have nothing to do with God. I only want some help.

God: It’s best that way

Terra: I understand that.

7 september 2009




2009-09-07 @ 11:51:18

16 maj 2009

From the living to May 2009-05-16

We have heard it, read it, told it, believed it and some of us have even seen it. Let us explain it one more time. This will probably be the most confusing, but also the most important text for your success at this site.

I’m not going to tell youevery detail in this story this time. I want to keep it for myself, so if you don’t know the whole story you really escape a whole drove of words.

The year was 2006, the month was June and the date was 17, this day will forever be my born-of-world-day.

It was on this day the nonstop sound of Corey Taylor started, the band is still recording and maybe, someday, I can press the play button.

Today Corey is more like my thoughts. He is thinking for me, he is talking for me and he is acting for me. So for this vision, I don’t exist. I’m just here inside… on some road.

Sometimes I think “why did I do that?” Maybe that’s Terra. I don’t know anymore.


I’m just riding the show of life.

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