Stop talk and start to do things.
I have bought 6 pair of shoes this month btw, but to the point. I will try to write my big long fucking text here right now because I'm so damn responsible.
Remember one thing, I was here inside my apartment all the time:
I had been up to the sun with my soul and with all souls on the planet to leave the souls who will stay on the sun for almoste forevever (a longer while than you can understand) because the souls who is damned from this planet (earth) is the souls who make people dumb by creating lies about natural things and make other people believe in them. Those people is what I am calling psychic ill instead of mentally ill. The mentally ill people is alright even if they are canibals and necrophiles or something else fun. But the psychic ill only make other people dumb by being selfish and convincing and they think something like: "I'm the best, I know everything and everybody shall listening to me!". The mentally ill more thoughs like: "I do this for my own purpose because I like it and if someone don't like it they can tell me that when they get me for doing something wrong."
It's a big different between psychic ill and mentally ill you see.
The psychic ill was the people I leave on the sun and took back with me all the mentally ill and all the other "normal" people and animals (all animals had shapes like humans). On the sun you can find two living pieces and that is woodlice and millipedes. If you want to know how and when and why there can be life on the sun, please wait for my book to come out or maybe let me explain it later.
If you leave a soul from a psychic ill person or a fiew they also stay on the sun because those people think it is possible to move matter to matter in form of mental power. And that readers are wrong. You can never move matter with your mental power, than you have gone mad.
Those psychic ill persons who believes in that they can move matter to matter with there brainpower also thinks they can get back from the sun after beeing left there with there souls for them to transform the souls back to earth when they get to the sun. The problem is that the soul not is matter at all and that they think they can move there bodies that they don't believe they shall be (woodlice) back to the earth if the whole point shall be that they maybe be a mwoodlice on the sun. The problem is even if the psychic ill people get to the sun with there human soul and end up in a body of a woodlouse they will never get out of there because it's take some billion of years for them to build up a possible working soul who workes for a woodlouse and not a human. And when the person has made there human soul to work like a woodlouse they will try to move matter to matter all over again and end up to be a human soul again. And this will go over and over again just because the psychic ill people are only selfish and disturbed in a very stuped way. In a stuped way that the person who is psychic ill make a normal person sick of the thoughs in the brain just by listening to the psychic ill. Noone notice this anyway... But I do and I am going to make my stuff work here. To get away from the sun when you have been placed there is in the same possibility of make the time go back, and believe me it's impossible, if you think something else you also have gone mad.
So that was what I was up on the sun with all souls on earth to leave there untill they have showed themself that they are worth anything else. All the souls from earth was transported in a big globe who works a litte bit like a space ship for souls, but far away from the same technology. In the globe there was a big cage who I had all the psychic ill people and from the begining every fucking soul from eart in human form (even they was a animal). It took me 4 yers and 10 monthes to get through every soul on earth to see if they was psychic ill, mentally ill or "normal" or "only sick". I was in that cage to make sure nothing got wrong and that I didn't left the wrong people. The last fucking person who came out from that fucking cage was Corey Taylor. I had wait for him in 4 years and 10 monthes in there among the psychic ill who make you dumb.
I leaved the souls on the sun and we all others went back in our globe to earth. Well back on earth me, Corey and the rest of the members in Slipknot went home to my apartment for celebrate. We was sitting there and laughted at everything and talked about how much fun we should have together in our next life (just because this life is so fucked up). Then my very best friend Ville Valo (The singer from HIM) went into the room and asked if he could be with us. All the guys in Slipknot was laughing at him and I told them to shut the fuck up and let the guy be with us because he is a close friend to me. The guys from Slipknot was giggly but stoped laugh. I asked Ville if he wanted something to drink and he wanted a glas of wine.
After that me and Corey was talking about how much we loved each other (yes again, I have been in love with Corey for 4 years and 10 monthes) and how fun we should have in our next life. Then we started to talk about witch people I wanted to take with me in my next life like friends. Corey became so angry when I wanted to take my boy friends with me because he said I would cheat on him whit them. Then I said to Corey that "Ok, then I take Ville with me because he is my best friend and I will never cheat on him." Then I saw this thing in my head and Ville said to me that he wanted to talk with me. So we went into a gloset and there Ville sat in front of me and started to snap his fingers in front of my eyes under the same time he said over and over again:
"Terra! You need to wake up! You are sick! You need to wake up! Wake up! Terra! Please wake up! Corey have never done anything good for you! You are sick! I am sick! We are sick! The music I have made is for you! All this beautiful music is for you! It is I that have done music for you your whole life, not Corey! You need to wake up! You are sick! Wake up!
And then I woke up a bit from what have been a big fat psychosis for many monthes. I became so fucking scared and everything was so quiet. I went out from the closet with Ville and walked to Corey and said:
"Corey. You don't deserve me, I want Ville as my first boyfriend in my next life. You get me when you have prove you deserve me. To that day I will stay with Ville."
Corey got this sad "=I don't give a shit." look in his eyes and walked away and started to dig a hole in the dirt.
Corey is from 1 may 2011 out of my task and I will never believe in him again. Ville is the man I will spend my life living for only to know he exists. Because Corey he is a very disturbed man, he is the most psychic ill person you can find. Because Corey, Corey he was the last man out from that cage and he is now back at the sun with his soul where he belong.
That people, that is my love story and the ending of Corey Mother Fucking Taylor.
Remember one thing, I was here inside my apartment all the time:
I had been up to the sun with my soul and with all souls on the planet to leave the souls who will stay on the sun for almoste forevever (a longer while than you can understand) because the souls who is damned from this planet (earth) is the souls who make people dumb by creating lies about natural things and make other people believe in them. Those people is what I am calling psychic ill instead of mentally ill. The mentally ill people is alright even if they are canibals and necrophiles or something else fun. But the psychic ill only make other people dumb by being selfish and convincing and they think something like: "I'm the best, I know everything and everybody shall listening to me!". The mentally ill more thoughs like: "I do this for my own purpose because I like it and if someone don't like it they can tell me that when they get me for doing something wrong."
It's a big different between psychic ill and mentally ill you see.
The psychic ill was the people I leave on the sun and took back with me all the mentally ill and all the other "normal" people and animals (all animals had shapes like humans). On the sun you can find two living pieces and that is woodlice and millipedes. If you want to know how and when and why there can be life on the sun, please wait for my book to come out or maybe let me explain it later.
If you leave a soul from a psychic ill person or a fiew they also stay on the sun because those people think it is possible to move matter to matter in form of mental power. And that readers are wrong. You can never move matter with your mental power, than you have gone mad.
Those psychic ill persons who believes in that they can move matter to matter with there brainpower also thinks they can get back from the sun after beeing left there with there souls for them to transform the souls back to earth when they get to the sun. The problem is that the soul not is matter at all and that they think they can move there bodies that they don't believe they shall be (woodlice) back to the earth if the whole point shall be that they maybe be a mwoodlice on the sun. The problem is even if the psychic ill people get to the sun with there human soul and end up in a body of a woodlouse they will never get out of there because it's take some billion of years for them to build up a possible working soul who workes for a woodlouse and not a human. And when the person has made there human soul to work like a woodlouse they will try to move matter to matter all over again and end up to be a human soul again. And this will go over and over again just because the psychic ill people are only selfish and disturbed in a very stuped way. In a stuped way that the person who is psychic ill make a normal person sick of the thoughs in the brain just by listening to the psychic ill. Noone notice this anyway... But I do and I am going to make my stuff work here. To get away from the sun when you have been placed there is in the same possibility of make the time go back, and believe me it's impossible, if you think something else you also have gone mad.
So that was what I was up on the sun with all souls on earth to leave there untill they have showed themself that they are worth anything else. All the souls from earth was transported in a big globe who works a litte bit like a space ship for souls, but far away from the same technology. In the globe there was a big cage who I had all the psychic ill people and from the begining every fucking soul from eart in human form (even they was a animal). It took me 4 yers and 10 monthes to get through every soul on earth to see if they was psychic ill, mentally ill or "normal" or "only sick". I was in that cage to make sure nothing got wrong and that I didn't left the wrong people. The last fucking person who came out from that fucking cage was Corey Taylor. I had wait for him in 4 years and 10 monthes in there among the psychic ill who make you dumb.
I leaved the souls on the sun and we all others went back in our globe to earth. Well back on earth me, Corey and the rest of the members in Slipknot went home to my apartment for celebrate. We was sitting there and laughted at everything and talked about how much fun we should have together in our next life (just because this life is so fucked up). Then my very best friend Ville Valo (The singer from HIM) went into the room and asked if he could be with us. All the guys in Slipknot was laughing at him and I told them to shut the fuck up and let the guy be with us because he is a close friend to me. The guys from Slipknot was giggly but stoped laugh. I asked Ville if he wanted something to drink and he wanted a glas of wine.
After that me and Corey was talking about how much we loved each other (yes again, I have been in love with Corey for 4 years and 10 monthes) and how fun we should have in our next life. Then we started to talk about witch people I wanted to take with me in my next life like friends. Corey became so angry when I wanted to take my boy friends with me because he said I would cheat on him whit them. Then I said to Corey that "Ok, then I take Ville with me because he is my best friend and I will never cheat on him." Then I saw this thing in my head and Ville said to me that he wanted to talk with me. So we went into a gloset and there Ville sat in front of me and started to snap his fingers in front of my eyes under the same time he said over and over again:
"Terra! You need to wake up! You are sick! You need to wake up! Wake up! Terra! Please wake up! Corey have never done anything good for you! You are sick! I am sick! We are sick! The music I have made is for you! All this beautiful music is for you! It is I that have done music for you your whole life, not Corey! You need to wake up! You are sick! Wake up!
And then I woke up a bit from what have been a big fat psychosis for many monthes. I became so fucking scared and everything was so quiet. I went out from the closet with Ville and walked to Corey and said:
"Corey. You don't deserve me, I want Ville as my first boyfriend in my next life. You get me when you have prove you deserve me. To that day I will stay with Ville."
Corey got this sad "=I don't give a shit." look in his eyes and walked away and started to dig a hole in the dirt.
Corey is from 1 may 2011 out of my task and I will never believe in him again. Ville is the man I will spend my life living for only to know he exists. Because Corey he is a very disturbed man, he is the most psychic ill person you can find. Because Corey, Corey he was the last man out from that cage and he is now back at the sun with his soul where he belong.
That people, that is my love story and the ending of Corey Mother Fucking Taylor.
I'm gonna be a big fuck and tell you that I don't gonna write my big long fucking text today, instead I will take my 30mg Stesolid, 200mg Nozinan and 4ml Theralen and go to bed early. bye bye
(If someone cares I'm gonna write it tomorow, or maybe the day after that. And I promise you, it's so fucking cool!!)
(If someone cares I'm gonna write it tomorow, or maybe the day after that. And I promise you, it's so fucking cool!!)
Coming soon
The big long fucking text is coming up soon! Be patient, I'm a slow get up to do things writer. But maybe today! ;D

I'm cool with it
In Dalarna and feel like shit, not to complain.
Build big big houses on paper, my forth right now, this one looks like a bird or a butterfly. To build houses on paper is almost free, never gonna build the shit in real life, but it's kinda spooky shit you get up from all your thoughs. And he is with me. I have dumped Corey, or he dumped me, but now Ville is there all the time instead. Not one damn moment without someone wisper in my ear. But I guess it's fine :)
I'm gonna write a big, long fucking text at this blog when I get home, about everything thats happening last time, and I promise you, it's not a joke. Feel up to learn me jump into a world more real and realistic than ever. We have sucess!
Build big big houses on paper, my forth right now, this one looks like a bird or a butterfly. To build houses on paper is almost free, never gonna build the shit in real life, but it's kinda spooky shit you get up from all your thoughs. And he is with me. I have dumped Corey, or he dumped me, but now Ville is there all the time instead. Not one damn moment without someone wisper in my ear. But I guess it's fine :)
I'm gonna write a big, long fucking text at this blog when I get home, about everything thats happening last time, and I promise you, it's not a joke. Feel up to learn me jump into a world more real and realistic than ever. We have sucess!