back to the mentalhospital

Well, I'm back at the mentalhospital again, not very stumping... I always get in there on some way time to time sad enough...
This time I wasn't very sure at it all by myself, my very kind friend Malin was helping me to understand that I maybe needed some time with understanding people around me, and she was so right.

Right now I can't decide if I'm right or wrong.
My situation is like this:

I'm sitting in a chair and listening to some music, who realy make it more easy to handle voices inside my head. When I am sitting there listening to the music I also listening to all the voices without notice I am doing it. I listening to them and answer them and makes judgement about all the people around me based on the things the voices tells me, and then I often is thinking something like this:

ME: "That fucking retard think he is so fucking great of what the fuck he is doing! Isn't that right?"
COREY: "Yes it is, I think he makes agreements with someone"
ME: "Yeah maybe... But he is a retard who is listening to his own voices in his head and doing what they are telling him!"
COREY: "Yes maybe he is... But you do the same"
ME: "Hell, fuck! You'r right! What am I going to do?"
COREY: "...."
ME: "Wait! Now I am doing it again, I listing to you again, you told me they where doing the same as me and then you tell me that I listeing to you"
COREY: "...."
ME: "Wait! STOP! Now I'm talking to you back again!"
COREY: "Yes you do"
ME: "Please, be quiet."

Postat av: Anonym

OMG va ere med dig människa, du ser ut som en skräckfilm. :/ du e riktigt jvla vidrig, läskig människa! USCH

2011-04-21 @ 19:03:37
Postat av: Tess

HÅLL KÄFTEN "anonym". Herregud! Terra har mer mod, styrka och stake än du någonsin kommer ha. Snälla liksom, anonym, seriöst? Du kan inte ens stå för vad du säger och vem du är! Vad gör det dig till? En parasit? Värdelös? Patetisk? Hopplös? Rätt svar: All of the above.

Så fuck off.

(Vill du ha mer? Var så god att maila.)

2011-04-27 @ 21:56:33

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