
myself without makeup, fantastic . . . ha ha ha

ok tobbe was here, it was nice to have something to do, I am so fucking bored all the time! But I like to have good people here to talk with! Tobbe is kind!
Click, if you dare --->

Isn't it so fucking discusting? Think yourself has like 20 of those, on a small round place, on your body! They all just sitt there and eat of you. This animal is not important to anything. It's send directly from Satan ffs! They just walk around and are discusting as hell!
I have had two of them on me. That's cool for me, but not a single more. I'm gonna get panic and die... ticks... don't get them on your body! Do you understand how fucking disgusting dots are now?

Well I think it was hell as funny today at school. The boys in the class made steak and pommes at the diet cooking XD

Well, let's go back to animals... woodlouse is a hardcore one. I read today at a forum (something I had figure out all by myself already, only got it found out) woodlouses are dangerous for other animals to, also, eat and so...
They has alot of heavy metals in thereself. And THAT is just another example of how cool this animal is. They survive everything. I'm 100% sure woodlouses was the first alive thing on the planet. They have experience so much shit that thay have heavy metals in thereself. Just think of all this bad energy all our shit is letting out. Ofcorse it goes straight to the video...
Ofcorse woodlouses has been with atomic bombs and shit. All this radiation and shit... Ofcorse they are dangerous animals. I meen, how big cannot they be? Would you like to have a 2 meter tall woodlouse in you'r room? I don't think so...

woodlouse --->

up to the left: "I am a disgusting little shit... who is appear to, kill, you all"
upp on the right: "I am so fucking horny, kill me"
down on the right: "I'm gonna KILL you, yeah, I'm gonna KILL you... kill"

But they are... kinda cute. It looks like they laying on there back and laughing there asses of! " LOL OWNED!!!!" (down to the left)


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