How you fix the best musicprogram ever Spotify


You can link your songs from Spotify like this:
3OH!3 – Déjà Vu
But you can only listening to it if you have spotify. If you have spotify the song is going to start play in your program automatical.

It's simple like hell and free!! On spotify you find over 10 million bands and much MUCH more songs! And you can use it in every country!

Start download open (it's so freaking simple) and see what you think after that: (click the links)

  • Open = open The one you can download, you can listening to music free 20 hours / month Advertsing. listening

  • Free = free You need an invite or dowloaded it when it was new, it's kinda hard to get this those days. Advertsing.listening wherever you are in the world!

  • Unlimited = unlimited [49kr or 7,23$/month] With Unlimited you can listening to all music except in your mobilphone, no advertsing listening wherever you are in the world!

  • Premium = premium [99kr or 14,61$/month] With premium you can listening to music online/offline internet without advertising and in your mobilephone/computer wherever you are in the world!

A tip:
I meen, the money, NOTHING AT ALL for free music and it's legal! So everybody is happy. The artists and the fans :) You can create playlists and share music with your friends and if you want to you even can show the music you listening on for other people.

Spotify look like this and is childish easy to use:

God luck!


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