Bad Dream

So, well. I woke up this morning, fast because I had this bad dream!
First all in my family was walking through the wood in the dark with only 5 flashlighters. And we were ca 9 persons. My brother, my mom, my dad, my grandfathers, my grandmothers, my uncle and me. That was FUN! BUT after that I meet Claire and she wanted her soul back, and she kinda get it... But I don't know what all that was about. After that My mom cald and wake me up, but I fall asleep again. Then, in the dream, I follow my mom to a secret place. We walked and walked and soon we get up to a big call place full of big big roses!!! (I love roses) And all around us there was old old old old buildings! (I totaly love old buildings!!) So I scream to my mom (who was on the other side of the big roses) that I wanted to take some pictures. But then! I stucked on a big stick and the stick started to drag me down in the underground! And the stick pusch me round and around! It was kinda scary. But than my mom cald me for the second time and I went up =)

Is here.

I am a fucking dreamer. I got a book from my last stepmother Eva. A book where you write down your dreams. From the day I got the book ( 24 juli 2007) I have dreamed every fucking night!! From 3 years I maybe not have dreamed 20 nights. It's insane man! I never get to calm down. I think so much on the days and I dream much as hell on the nights. But the cool thing is that I have been better and better to handle my dreams! In the beginning I didn't understand a shit, but nowdays I know that I am dreaming and I can wake myself up AND I can choose what kind of things I want to have in my dream. Sometimes, when I go to sleep, I can tell myself: "Tonight I wanna dream about this." And I dream about that freaking shit. Isn't that cool?


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