4 monthes

In four monthes I have walked around and been all on the linepsychotic, in four monthes I was walked around and thoughed I was teleporting with other people, for a more "video" explain of this kind of things, look up http://terrorin.blogg.se/invisible there is no access on that one. Or look it up here.I know my english is bad. But the night after Stone Sour 2010 I have no time at all for sleeping, I tried, in maybe five hours but no sucess... So I started to do that video for explaine more about what I have feld under these four monthes. I know it's bad and I look like shit, but every person have there bad days, right?

So well, in these four monthes I have been all up on the sun, down in the water and under the dirt and mudd. I have believed I have many lifes in the same time and that I only was living on the earth (terra in latin) because I have a bigger half of my soul here on earth, and I was so fucking glad of beeing on this planet, after all. All the things I was explaine myself under this four monthes is impossible to explaine in words, I have give it a big try to tess, and a little to malin. But Tess is my big angel! (In the same time she is a demon) But of the deal, tess is my past stepsister and I love her so much, she is a real good friend (all my friends is realy good friends but tess is nearest me I think) She realy has the power to sit hour after hour and listening to all my fucking bullshit, but I have the possibillity to freak out peoples minds if they realy are listening to what I am talking about, so latest time I was with tess I told her something like this: "I am so sorry if all my stuff make you vierd, but if I was you, I have thought it is simply enought to only hear these things from another person and not believe in it in 100%. And that it is enouth to hear this from another person and not hear this delusions and experience all this stuff in your own life" Tess told me that it was something like that she was thinking to, and that realy saved a little bit of my mind. Because if people nearly can't listening to it, where in the whole space will a person live through all this all by her/himself? I don't think so... But who knowes, maybe my thoughts realy goes out from my brain and into other brains (subconsciously, I think now) and other people start to believe and think about it to. Maybe not. But I like the possibillity that it Maybe maybe can reatch someone elses brains. In fact, we are living in the space.


This was a realy good video I was found. look it up here. In this video the person has two voices and a little bit of hallucinations and so on. But me, yeah realy, I hear every person around me, and I hear every single guy from Slipknot, but it have been kinda, hmm, allday now, but as simple as always it's realy confusing and scary. But I'm kinda lucky, the voices realy often are away when I meet other people, so in that way I sound kinda normal :)


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