
I am writing a book who probebly is coming out when I'm dead. I have wrote 137 pages in Word so far and I will write about 200 and then I will see it like a finnished book. After that I probably will save it to the day I die and then let somebody else send it out for other people to read. But I'm not sure.
So I will get start to write at this blog more effective again when I have finnished the book. I have write those 137 pages in two weeks so I will be done soon. Why I can write it so fast is probably not bacuse I have write it very bad, instead I know it is beacuse I know exactly what I am writing.
The book is a fact book about things that do not exist.
The fact about things that don't exist is a result of many things I have thought about and about things that I sometime believe in, but about things that other people pretty sure don't believe in.
How the world, life, universe, body and brain works for example.

Be right back .D


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