terrorin Alive 0 - BOOK OUT NOW


Download the torrent and it's all for you, from me. You get it for free and I accept it for all. If the book cames out in the bookstore you probable will buy it to, or not. It is a high chance that you find the book like absolutly nonsens. Witch it is, but not for me. Stop there... Read the book and you will understand me, the blog, the human body, the world and universe in a big fat different way.


terrorin Alive 0

I feel so fucking great

I think my grandfather, my dad's father is the one who is going to read my book first, all because he talk over and over again that he do it so slowly and most repeat all the things he reads because he don't understands them. I think that is a good thing. Well. Let's see who that reads the book first. I have many candidates but who the fuck is reading the book from letter one to the end without stopping of confusion?

Have a nice day:

Puff - race

"Puff" - race between me and Tess on Facebook. After maybe 6 months of puffing Tess facebook simply stoped send puff askings between me and Tess.

Puff - race #1
Level score

Now me and Tess is up to Puff - race #2. This is so exciting!!!


Feels like heaven


Finally, after maybe 6 years of retarded love me and Adam is a big fucking 153 kg (337.307 pounds) great heavy couple. Feels nice. First I was in love with his dick but now I'm all over him. Stay close... I'm not a pervert, I'm only natural. Like my mom with 100% have find my sextoys when she has been here and cleaning my apartment when I'v been on the mentalhospital.
Oh I'm an Angel!

For everybody who have AIDS

You won't brake me...
I'm not in that army.

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