The sun

The Sun (Sol)
Planet: The Sun
Also called: Hell
Owner: Ville Valo
Possibility to life: Yes
What kind of life: Woodlice and millipedes and ofcorse the orbit without soul.
How do the life work: The centrifugal force is unlikly on the sun from earth. The sun has a so much press on him so the life on the sun can't me more developed than to woodlice, millipedes and ofcorse the orbit of no souls.
Sex: Man
Why do the planet look like it do: It lookes like the planet is burning because of all psychoplasma and energi that fast travels truogh the ozone layer.
What do the planet produce: The planet produce very strong and fast energi, the energi feels warm for us humans on earth when the energy from the sun end to earth. On that way we can live here, but not on the light and warmth from the sun. No we live from the energy of the Sun.
Age of the planet: It is to told for me to understand, more than billion of billion of billion of billion of billion of years.
Place in universe: The sun is the heart of universe and a very special planet. Universe's life depend on the sun.
Function: The sun easily create souls all by himself. Those souls who be born on the sun also get there own planet for to one day pass and live on. If they will succeed, as well.


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