Planet: Earth (Terra)
Also called: Terra
Owner: Terra (terrorin Alive)
Possibility to life: Yes
What kind of life: Look around
Sex: Female
Why do the planet look like it do: Because it is so old and earth ozonlayer can be higher and higher because of the centrifugal force is not that strong on earth like on the sun for example.
What do the planet produce: Matter out to outher space for the other planets to grab information and create life.
Age of the planet: About 18 billion of years.
Place in universe: Earth is the brain of universe, together with the sun who is the heart. Earth is a very very important planet for the universe, just because earth's power to send out matter in form of hard psychoplasma to other planets.
Function: To create a hell of a part for all those people who deserve it. To create life forward and save the planet.
Saturnus (Saturnus)
Planet: Saturnus
Also called: Maththink (Mathias)
Owner: Salvador Dali
Possibility to life: Not on the "planet" itself but on the consecutive working around the planet, who also is a part of the planet.
What kind of life: Very likly birds... (big bats)
Sex: Female
Why do the planet look like it do: Because living flying creatures have circulate around and around because of the centrifugal force and leave a planetlikly dust matter inside the planet of flying creatures.
What do the planet produce: Energy in form of brainpower (the function to think)
Age of the planet: About 48 billion of years.
Place in universe: Saturnus has a very big place for all living creatures to think and be a pruductive problem-solver.
Function: To spy and laugh at the human mind in a very long, long time from here. The process will go on...