Nightmare #2
Nightmare #2, let's se what this one have to give...
This nightmare is not clear as the other one, but I will give it a big try!
It started with that I saved my brother from be psychotic. We was on a big mountain who in the same time was a big brain or something. Like a big LSD trip who get all wrong... And this was just the begining, it was like the millipedes was playing with me.
After that my brother dissepeard and my father and my grandfather came to me to look at my millipedes, (who all had grow up to 20 cm 9 inchec long).
I took them up and let them go around on my forearm, but under the night the millipedes poision had been extreamly toxic. But I didn't know this. And my grandfather hold one on his forearm and my father to, my father even puld one in his mouth to kidding with me like "whosh! I am eating a millipede! mohahaha" you know, like when you was small.
After this wierd stuff started to happening with my arm... It started to gro up antennas from my forearm, on the other side than the hand is on... First one, then two... Like if the millipede was under my skin... And lay there under on his back. After a while there started to grow up legs trough my arm! First one, then two, and after some hours I had all the millipedes legs outgrowing on my forearm... (but as a experienced dreamer I know the worst thing you can do in your dream is to get panic) So I just walked to my father, who had panic, and told him: "take is easy it is happening to me to, and remember it's only a dream" me and my father, who had legs and antennas out from his arm, and even from his mouth because he had "eat" one... Went to my grandfather who had panic... We calm him down and I explained that this is this kinda stuff that is happening in dreams, not in the reality, so i must be a dream, because this kind of poision do not exist. Today or in houndreds years, maybe in on million years... who knowes?
But then it starting to grow out fish scales on my formearm! So it get all stiff and rugged... It was desgusting as hell! The same happening to my father and grandfather...
Then we all died of panic or something because I woke up and like "SHIT WAS THAT SHIT REAL!?" looked at my arm and chilled out.
(I have died before in my dream, you can chill, you can die in your dreams without die, the first time I died in a dream I was a cat and died 3 times, but as we all know cats have 9 lifes ;))
This nightmare is not clear as the other one, but I will give it a big try!
It started with that I saved my brother from be psychotic. We was on a big mountain who in the same time was a big brain or something. Like a big LSD trip who get all wrong... And this was just the begining, it was like the millipedes was playing with me.
After that my brother dissepeard and my father and my grandfather came to me to look at my millipedes, (who all had grow up to 20 cm 9 inchec long).
I took them up and let them go around on my forearm, but under the night the millipedes poision had been extreamly toxic. But I didn't know this. And my grandfather hold one on his forearm and my father to, my father even puld one in his mouth to kidding with me like "whosh! I am eating a millipede! mohahaha" you know, like when you was small.
After this wierd stuff started to happening with my arm... It started to gro up antennas from my forearm, on the other side than the hand is on... First one, then two... Like if the millipede was under my skin... And lay there under on his back. After a while there started to grow up legs trough my arm! First one, then two, and after some hours I had all the millipedes legs outgrowing on my forearm... (but as a experienced dreamer I know the worst thing you can do in your dream is to get panic) So I just walked to my father, who had panic, and told him: "take is easy it is happening to me to, and remember it's only a dream" me and my father, who had legs and antennas out from his arm, and even from his mouth because he had "eat" one... Went to my grandfather who had panic... We calm him down and I explained that this is this kinda stuff that is happening in dreams, not in the reality, so i must be a dream, because this kind of poision do not exist. Today or in houndreds years, maybe in on million years... who knowes?
But then it starting to grow out fish scales on my formearm! So it get all stiff and rugged... It was desgusting as hell! The same happening to my father and grandfather...
Then we all died of panic or something because I woke up and like "SHIT WAS THAT SHIT REAL!?" looked at my arm and chilled out.
(I have died before in my dream, you can chill, you can die in your dreams without die, the first time I died in a dream I was a cat and died 3 times, but as we all know cats have 9 lifes ;))
Nightmare #1
Ok let's se what nightmare #1 has to give!!?
(I was sleeping, in my bed, you know like Zzzz...)
The dream begins with that me and one friend (I don't remember who) was going to work warden cabin inside the forest. My friend simply fast understand that something was wrong with the forester, and got the hell out of there, fast like hell!
The vierd stuff is that the cabin simply looked almost like my own apartment on the inside, but on the outside it was a little house in the middle of nowere in the forest.
So inside the cabin there was two beds and nothing more, two wardrobes. And then to the scary shit... (this was maybe the first or second night together with the millipedes in the same apartment.)
it was a shelf on the same place where I have my aquarium... But on the shelf it was alot of sticks instead of a aquarium. I walked to the shelf with the sticks on, and our from the sticks it came a big grown up Mardonius Parilis Acuticonus! A big black one!!! And in the dream I thoughd "OMFG!?!?!?! I will save it, and love it!!" So i put the millipede in another aquarium I had with me or something... But the millipede simply started to eat of himself! It eat and eat of himself and died... I felt sad, but then!! One more millipede came creeping from the crowd of sticks, so I saved it in a bucket with two more who came creeping out of the stickcrowd. But they died, of eating of eatchother.
So I became sad and gave up, but then!! it started to creep alot alot of millipedes from every corner in the cabin! I lay down in my bed and then! I grab panic! first my millipede grey came running at my left side, he was big as hell, and after him slipknot came running fast as hell on my right side in the bed. After that paul came running and run inside my pussy (?) it was creepy as hell, and after that came 2, she was an angry sick little fuck! She run up on me, over my stomach to get inside my mouth!!! But I understood this and grabed her, but she was like 9 inches tall and black as midnight! She crambling and crambling and tried to get out of my hands, she was strong as hell, just bolted like a aggressive little shit! And then when I lay there on my bed fighting with 2 with paul in my pussy, eating, and slipknot and grey running around my head. The real band Slipknot showed themself around the bad, staring at me, all in slipknot: 0 1 , , 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 stand there with there maskes on and looked at me fighting this animals.
After that the foresters started to came, When I got out the bed and run against the door to get out. The forester had looked the door from the outside and started to pump in houndreds of woodlouses trough a little window on the door (I am so fucking scared of woodlouses that it is corny) They started to press in more and more woodlouses and I was stucked inside this cabin, full of angry millipedes and 4 inches (10 cm) long woodlouses everywhere! It was small woodlouses too, woodlouses and millipedes of every size. But not bigger than today realistic...
But after some minutes I got out from the cabin, and then I was so fucking angry at the forester, so I walked around the forest to find them and realy assault them badly, but I didn't find them, they was smart as hell and lived in wholes in the dirt...
So I went back to the cabin (like youknow, irritating shit in horrormovies)... But then, all the millipedes was gone and all the woodlouses was over the other bed that wasent mine... My bed, yeah the woodlouses was under but not in it or over it... They simply had get my respect...
So I lay down in my bed to sleep, and in the same time I woke up in my own bed in my own apartment.
after that they realy got my respect! more than ever, I meen, think of the millipedes became aggressive like 2. I meen they run pretty fast when they are small, so who knowes what these animals can do when they are growned up... And if they get aggressive, like any animal can be...
But now 2 is flashed down the toilet, and I think it was she that was the aggressive one... But yeah, read nightmare #2 if you want to, that one was scary in the same level, but in a whole different shape...
(I was sleeping, in my bed, you know like Zzzz...)
The dream begins with that me and one friend (I don't remember who) was going to work warden cabin inside the forest. My friend simply fast understand that something was wrong with the forester, and got the hell out of there, fast like hell!
The vierd stuff is that the cabin simply looked almost like my own apartment on the inside, but on the outside it was a little house in the middle of nowere in the forest.
So inside the cabin there was two beds and nothing more, two wardrobes. And then to the scary shit... (this was maybe the first or second night together with the millipedes in the same apartment.)
it was a shelf on the same place where I have my aquarium... But on the shelf it was alot of sticks instead of a aquarium. I walked to the shelf with the sticks on, and our from the sticks it came a big grown up Mardonius Parilis Acuticonus! A big black one!!! And in the dream I thoughd "OMFG!?!?!?! I will save it, and love it!!" So i put the millipede in another aquarium I had with me or something... But the millipede simply started to eat of himself! It eat and eat of himself and died... I felt sad, but then!! One more millipede came creeping from the crowd of sticks, so I saved it in a bucket with two more who came creeping out of the stickcrowd. But they died, of eating of eatchother.
So I became sad and gave up, but then!! it started to creep alot alot of millipedes from every corner in the cabin! I lay down in my bed and then! I grab panic! first my millipede grey came running at my left side, he was big as hell, and after him slipknot came running fast as hell on my right side in the bed. After that paul came running and run inside my pussy (?) it was creepy as hell, and after that came 2, she was an angry sick little fuck! She run up on me, over my stomach to get inside my mouth!!! But I understood this and grabed her, but she was like 9 inches tall and black as midnight! She crambling and crambling and tried to get out of my hands, she was strong as hell, just bolted like a aggressive little shit! And then when I lay there on my bed fighting with 2 with paul in my pussy, eating, and slipknot and grey running around my head. The real band Slipknot showed themself around the bad, staring at me, all in slipknot: 0 1 , , 3 4 5 6 7 and 8 stand there with there maskes on and looked at me fighting this animals.
After that the foresters started to came, When I got out the bed and run against the door to get out. The forester had looked the door from the outside and started to pump in houndreds of woodlouses trough a little window on the door (I am so fucking scared of woodlouses that it is corny) They started to press in more and more woodlouses and I was stucked inside this cabin, full of angry millipedes and 4 inches (10 cm) long woodlouses everywhere! It was small woodlouses too, woodlouses and millipedes of every size. But not bigger than today realistic...
But after some minutes I got out from the cabin, and then I was so fucking angry at the forester, so I walked around the forest to find them and realy assault them badly, but I didn't find them, they was smart as hell and lived in wholes in the dirt...
So I went back to the cabin (like youknow, irritating shit in horrormovies)... But then, all the millipedes was gone and all the woodlouses was over the other bed that wasent mine... My bed, yeah the woodlouses was under but not in it or over it... They simply had get my respect...
So I lay down in my bed to sleep, and in the same time I woke up in my own bed in my own apartment.
after that they realy got my respect! more than ever, I meen, think of the millipedes became aggressive like 2. I meen they run pretty fast when they are small, so who knowes what these animals can do when they are growned up... And if they get aggressive, like any animal can be...
But now 2 is flashed down the toilet, and I think it was she that was the aggressive one... But yeah, read nightmare #2 if you want to, that one was scary in the same level, but in a whole different shape...
I want to tell you all this before charing my dreams. I am a very experienced dreamer, because I have dream every night sence 24 July 2007. The day when I get a dreambook from my ex stepmother... From the day I started to write down my first dream into that book I have dreamed every night.
So I have simply dreamed every night in soon 3 years. That make me an experienced dreamer.
If we make a probable number of nights I have not dream it's about 50 nights I think, and thats a small number of three years.
In 4 times of 10 I can chose what I wanted to dream about before I go to sleep.
But like in the reality it is always something lurk around the corner...
So don't let the dreams get you down, because they can also get you up.
So I have simply dreamed every night in soon 3 years. That make me an experienced dreamer.
If we make a probable number of nights I have not dream it's about 50 nights I think, and thats a small number of three years.
- Thay say that when you dream you sleep badly
- They say that when you dream you prepare your mind of what the brain should do IF you get in the same situation as in the dream. If you murder someone and so on, your brain prepare what you should do if that happening
- They say I am as calld "lucid dreamer", thats when you kinda settle your dream all by yourself.
In 4 times of 10 I can chose what I wanted to dream about before I go to sleep.
- I can chose what should be inside the dream
- I can put things in my dreams
- I can remove things in my dreams
- I know when I am dreaming
- I can woke myself up in a dream
- I can tell other I am dreaming in the dream
But like in the reality it is always something lurk around the corner...
So don't let the dreams get you down, because they can also get you up.
They survived, ok?
Ok, I got this 4 little maggots home and didn't knew a fucking shit about them... So I grab some dirt, some leaf and a stick and put it into a old aquarium together with the four 1,5cm long millipedes. Small as hell. So the borner had tell me they didn't need water from a bowl or something, only vegitables. So I put in some vegitables but these ones mould pretty fast and they didn't eat of it. So I stoped put in the vegitables. And I read that when they were small they practicly live on dirt and leafs. so.
But water was the problem... I buyed one of these spraybottle and spray on the mirror in the aquarium two tutches sometime time to time. = no water at all.
But one day I asked myself "they need more water than that" (one month after I get them) So I e-mail the borner and asked her if I should spray water in the terrium time to time and she said: "yeah it can never be dry in there" I thoughed "fuck... they are dead" and started to dig in the dirt. The mull was dry as hell, no water, nothing.
I found three. They all was in there "circle" position and I thought they all was dead. After one month without water. So I lay them in i row and spray alot in the terrium so it get weet.
After some dig and shit around there two of the maggots run away, I thought "FUCK!? they are survivors?!" I definitely know that was Paul and Grey.
The third one I named 2 (the one I thought was a girl) was simply dead I think. She lay there in the same position two days, maybe they do things like that, I don't know but I think she was dead so I flash her down the toilet.
Slipknot is the one I didn't find. Maybe he is alive maybe not I don't know...
They will eat him up anyway if he is dead, like the four did on one when I realised I wanted more of them. So I bought four more, the borner gave me one for free, but interesting, only the four survived the trip from Malmö to Stockholm here in Sweden. The four living ones eat the fifth.
Well, now I know more about these being maggots and I think they survive much much more than we think. Let's se whats happening to them...
And yes, I am afraid of them, mental. Not physical but mentaly... They have give me so much much much nightmares in my sleep already... So who knows what these maggots can do?
the big boy is one of mine, that's fucked up, but mine was bigger then the ones I got one month later from the borner.... They are 3 cm long now.
some of there home (after watering)

I will always recordnizing mine first three or maybe two (Paul, Grey) as the biggest ones. vierd but true.
But water was the problem... I buyed one of these spraybottle and spray on the mirror in the aquarium two tutches sometime time to time. = no water at all.
But one day I asked myself "they need more water than that" (one month after I get them) So I e-mail the borner and asked her if I should spray water in the terrium time to time and she said: "yeah it can never be dry in there" I thoughed "fuck... they are dead" and started to dig in the dirt. The mull was dry as hell, no water, nothing.
I found three. They all was in there "circle" position and I thought they all was dead. After one month without water. So I lay them in i row and spray alot in the terrium so it get weet.
After some dig and shit around there two of the maggots run away, I thought "FUCK!? they are survivors?!" I definitely know that was Paul and Grey.
The third one I named 2 (the one I thought was a girl) was simply dead I think. She lay there in the same position two days, maybe they do things like that, I don't know but I think she was dead so I flash her down the toilet.
Slipknot is the one I didn't find. Maybe he is alive maybe not I don't know...
They will eat him up anyway if he is dead, like the four did on one when I realised I wanted more of them. So I bought four more, the borner gave me one for free, but interesting, only the four survived the trip from Malmö to Stockholm here in Sweden. The four living ones eat the fifth.
Well, now I know more about these being maggots and I think they survive much much more than we think. Let's se whats happening to them...
And yes, I am afraid of them, mental. Not physical but mentaly... They have give me so much much much nightmares in my sleep already... So who knows what these maggots can do?

some of there home (after watering)

I will always recordnizing mine first three or maybe two (Paul, Grey) as the biggest ones. vierd but true.
Ok, I'm no pro or expert on something. Do this for fun, for interesting people who want to se them grow. dot. If they survive.
This is Mardonius Parilis Acuticonus
I know, the nature in the home is simple, I didn't knew a fuck about these when I got them, But yeah they have survived for a while and the home is better now...
So, pictures?

this one I named Paul, because he was the only one wh didn't flew under something the first he did, he is a discover. So I took a few pictures of him and has specifically to call the first one I see everytime; Paul. Second I watch was simply Grey and google that you got Paul Grey number 2 dead from Slipknot, so the other two's name: slipknot and 2.
2 died, I buyed 5 more. 4 of them eat one up on the trip so I have six or seven millipedes now...
I got them from thank you very much.
Wishes //
terrorin Alive
This is Mardonius Parilis Acuticonus
I know, the nature in the home is simple, I didn't knew a fuck about these when I got them, But yeah they have survived for a while and the home is better now...
So, pictures?

this one I named Paul, because he was the only one wh didn't flew under something the first he did, he is a discover. So I took a few pictures of him and has specifically to call the first one I see everytime; Paul. Second I watch was simply Grey and google that you got Paul Grey number 2 dead from Slipknot, so the other two's name: slipknot and 2.
2 died, I buyed 5 more. 4 of them eat one up on the trip so I have six or seven millipedes now...
I got them from thank you very much.
Wishes //
terrorin Alive